How To Be Resilient

How we meet the world can be cultivated from a place of adaptability and tolerance, where we don’t have to get caught up or lose ourselves by losing connection to self-trust, despite external influence. We can regain balance, return to a place of ‘home’, resource and self-regulation and exercise boundaries so that we can both protect and connect in relationship.

We build our capacity for resilience through being able to acknowledge and greet strong emotions such as fear and anxiety without being overwhelmed. When we meet ourselves with self-compassion and recognise emotional drain and nourish ourselves. When we can exercise discernment around our thinking, and question the inner critic’s truth.

ON FINDING BALANCE - Project Self Life Coaching

On Finding Balance

There’s a beautiful concept held in the mathematically designed Gomboc. It’s an object that self-rights itself whichever way it is pushed over. It has one point of stability and one of instability and will always return to the stable point. The shape was modelled on a tortoise which uses it’s shell to rock itself back onto its feet once it’s been turned over, and is dependent on doing so for survival. If the Gomboc was a conscious being, rather than an object, imagine what it would feel knowing that whatever forces conspired against it, it had the capacity to withstand…
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