How To Be

We need to be able to connect to ourselves and quieten our minds, to find moments of stillness and silence. It is the pause, the slowing down, that enables us to maintain momentum through allowing ourselves to just be, and to know how we are feeling. We can relax our preoccupation with productivity and achievement which may create internal pressure, stress and overwhelm. Sometimes it’s not what we need to do, or the action that we need to take that moves us forwards.

If we can find our centre and feel grounded we can find a sense of rootedness, belonging and safety within ourselves. By reconnecting to an internal sense of space we can resource ourselves. Our state, or embodied emotional well-being, informs how we meet the world and any internal or external challenges. Rather than avoid or distract by being busy, we can cultivate presence and awareness of the felt sense of things rather than our thinking about things.

On waiting for the answer - Project Self Life Coaching

On Waiting for the Answer

A key skill taught to coaches is the capacity to ‘hold space’ for our clients. This involves giving you, the client, plenty of time and space to respond, to think, to feel, to reflect, particularly in response to a question. This may mean sitting with silence. It means waiting. It means sitting in silence for longer than you normally would, and initially it can feel strange or uncomfortable. But it is the most powerful coaching skill. If you wait that little bit longer before following up with another question or another prompt, this is the space where the insight often…
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