Could You Be Getting in Your Own Way?

We may impede our progress and growth in a number of ways which results in us potentially holding back or minuting our potential

Could You Be Getting in Your Own Way? Project Self Life Coaching

Could You Be Getting in Your Own Way?

Do You Think Life Could Be Easier Than You Make It? Experience is a balance between how we choose to respond to what happens to us and the extent to which we feel we wish to create it. In both instances, we can get in our own way. This rests in our internal process and our internal system – how we organise our response and ourselves. Getting in our own way means that we have the ability to make life more difficult for ourselves than it needs to be. Much of our struggle with ‘what is’ is internal. We can…
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On Feeling Into Fear - Project Self Life Coaching

On Feeling Into Fear

Fear, I believe, is our most predominant emotion as it’s driven from our survival instinct. We are navigated through life by our threat detection mechanism; our nervous system, our primeval brain, our mammalian nature; checking experience (or future experience) out as either physically and emotionally safe, not safe or potentially not safe. Our need for safety drives our personality and behaviour towards being self-protective; dominating our natural capacity to respond from an open place of calm and compassion towards others (and self). Fear is a fundamental disallowing of ourselves to be available for connection or totally open to the present moment. Fear is live…
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On Getting Out Of Your Own Way - Project Self Life Coaching

On Getting Out Of Your Own Way

I had a conversation with someone recently who was anxious about an important forthcoming meeting. As we often do, he had expectations and hopes. He was very invested in the outcome and potential significance of the meeting. He was concerned things wouldn’t go as he wanted them to.  He was afraid of disappointment. He worried about how he would be perceived by the other person. He felt the meeting could affect his future and not knowing which way the meeting would lead, he played out different scenarios in his head. The meeting was with someone he didn’t know. All he knew…
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