About Internal Change Coaching

On internal change - Project Self Life Coaching

On Internal Change

Small internal changes create greater changes in our capacity to conceive and engage with a richer life, so that the ‘change effect’ works as a kind of feedback loop. Change brings about change. 1. When we talk we voice silent thoughts. Through responding to questioning we hear our own answers, which enables greater insight. As we explore words we reform thoughts, and make new sense. 2. As we reveal, uncover and understand, we feel less overwhelmed so we feel lighter. When we feel lighter, we feel more able to move. 3. When we allow ourselves to acknowledge what we know,…
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Coaching and the Self - Project Self Life Coaching Turning point signpost

Coaching And The Self

It’s essentially human to find life challenging and to lose our way. Coaching gives you guidance and creates a dynamic relationship where someone is working with you, on your side, with no judgement. We can’t always make it alone. Sometimes we don’t know what the issues are and can’t see past our version of reality. Sometimes we know what the issues are and don’t know what to do about them. Coaching is essentially an exploration of the self. Who we are being, how we are being, both in our self and out in the world. It’s about examining the stories…
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On Seeing Things Differently - Project Self Life Coaching - footsteps

On Seeing things Differently

So much in personal or self development is written on the things we need to do and be for ourselves. To be the source of our own resource. We need to learn how to and not to. To be and to do. To be in touch with our emotions, let go of our emotions and express our emotions. To breathe deeply, be balanced and appreciative. To be self aware and be calm. To let go of the past, live in the present and have visions for the future. To be still and be mindful and to have passion and find momentum. To nurture and to…
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On Questioning - Project Self Life Coaching

On Questioning

Coaching is fundamentally based on the skill of asking questions. The power of coaching lies in being able to ask the right kind of question at the right time. This can clarify, trigger, challenge or reveal; but results in a fundamental shift in mindset or position for the client. Curiosity, exploration, reflection and enquiry creates insight and discovery. The question itself can be quite simple, but its power lies in pertinence. Someone asking us a question prompts us to question our self and to hear our answer out loud, which we may already know at a deeper level, but may…
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On waiting for the answer - Project Self Life Coaching

On Waiting for the Answer

A key skill taught to coaches is the capacity to ‘hold space’ for our clients. This involves giving you, the client, plenty of time and space to respond, to think, to feel, to reflect, particularly in response to a question. This may mean sitting with silence. It means waiting. It means sitting in silence for longer than you normally would, and initially it can feel strange or uncomfortable. But it is the most powerful coaching skill. If you wait that little bit longer before following up with another question or another prompt, this is the space where the insight often…
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